Balancing the Books: Protecting Customer Relationships While Maximizing Asset Recovery

Maximizing Asset Recovery

Protecting a portfolio’s bottom line in the current asset-based lending market means more than just knowing the raw numbers, but understanding how to handle customer relationships efficiently and effectively through multiple scenarios. Maintaining customer trust—while retaining the ability to safely and quickly recover assets—requires a delicate balance when it comes to communication, strategies, and technologies […]

The ACS Advantage: Market-Proven Strategies for Lenders

Market-Proven Strategies for Lenders

Risk is an inherent aspect of asset-based lending and lease finance, but with the right strategies, you can transform a potential vulnerability into a decisive competitive advantage. As industry experts with decades of experience, Asset Compliant Solutions has seen the lending market shift and knows what strategies best suit the current landscape. As leaders in […]

Protecting Your Bottom Line with ACS’s Low-Risk Solutions

Low-Risk Solutions

Minimizing risk while maximizing returns requires asset-based lenders to consider a multitude of factors, but there are consistent, low-risk strategies that best protect their financial interests.  Asset Compliant Solutions has gathered these insights through over 25 years of working with lenders serving various industries. As a leading resource for lenders nationwide, we take our duty […]

Reducing Defaults and Losses: Best Practices from ACS

Reducing Defaults and Losses

Nothing damages otherwise healthy portfolio performance more than client defaults and losses.  It’s critical for long-term success to get these accounts back up to speed as quickly as possible. By implementing strategies proven to help struggling accounts, you can see significant progress quickly to protect your business’s overall financial health and reputation. Let’s explore the […]

If Your Brand Matters (Hint: It does), Your Vendors Matter Too


A lot of lenders and leasors turn to third-party specialists for certain services. In today’s tough labor market, capable vendor partners can generate a substantial return on the investment in their services. But when those services touch the borrower or leasee directly, they become more than a vendor. To your customers, the vendor you choose […]

Asset Compliant Solutions Celebrates 25 Years

Asset Compliant Solutions

The beginning: Twenty-five years ago, Shania Twain’s “You’re Still the One” was a hit, Titanic was the biggest movie of the year, and Asset Compliant Solutions was born. At the time, company founder and current CEO Brian Noble, was exploring more fulfilling careers outside his family’s furniture business. Then one day he was approached by […]

Lender and Lease Finance Asset Management – Navigating Through Uncertainty in 2023

lender and lease finance

After two years of high-flying performance, asset-based lenders and lease finance companies now find themselves wondering what might be next. In our good news, bad news economy it seems anything can happen. In environments like the one we’re experiencing in 2023, portfolio optimization and risk management take on a new set of complexities. For asset […]

Declining Asset Values, Default Trends and What to Do About Them

Declining Asset Values

During the bubble that occurred in 2021, when asset values – especially for used trucks of any kind – hit record highs, buyers flooded the secondary market – keeping, inventories low and values high. Aided by disrupted supply chains, pandemic-related liquidity and low interest rates, the market soared. The environment in 2023 is decidedly different. […]

Collections & Recovery in a Socially Connected World

Collections & Recovery

Any way you look at it, the last few years have been crazy for asset-based lenders. Nearly three years ago, the national emergency associated with COVID-19 dramatically slowed economic activity and deal flow. Then, as federal funds helped fuel the post-pandemic recovery, supply chain disruptions sent asset values and overall inflation soaring. As demand increased, […]

Asset Compliant Solutions (ACS) Achieves SOC 2 Compliance Certification

SOC 2 Compliance Certification

Asset Compliant Solutions (ACS) has always known what it stands for. Since 1998 when CEO Brian Noble founded the company, ACS has dedicated itself to “doing good work and doing it right.” As a result, the company has built a reputation for delivering exceptional collections and recovery outcomes, superior service and an unwavering commitment to […]